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Story Time! Let's go on an Adventure!

Story times are always pleasant for ARIS Eagles, as they get to listen to inspiring, empowering and transformational stories read by facilitators, staff and parents!

Today, Reception eagles had story time, and this time around, they listened to a story written by author, illustrator and ARIS Mom, Elisa Castagna! They listened to a book written by her, entitled "Let's go on an Adventure", which tells the story of two brothers who go on an adventure of exploring and inquiring about the 6 ecosystems around the world!

Elisa read the story and the eagles listened with rapt attention as they went on this journey of discovery. The story time was insightful, impactful and opened our eagles' minds to the point that they burned and exploded with a lot of questions for the reader.

It definitely was an amazing story time session, and we are grateful to Elisa Castagna for this session!