Home News   The Darker the Nights, The Brighter the Stars- IBDP 2 ARIS Class of 2021

The Darker the Nights, The Brighter the Stars- IBDP 2 ARIS Class of 2021

In what can be described as an emotional, happy, proud graduation event, the IBDP 2 Golden have completed their ARIS Chapter. The virtual graduation ceremony took place today via zoom and had over 250 participants in attendance.

History was made in this graduation ceremony as two eagles emerged as valedictorians of the Class of 2021. Abrahim Tountoungi, and Zeynep Kunt (being the first female valedictorian of the school)

Gracing the occasion with his presence was Special Guest Speaker, Mr. Jean Michel Habineza. Also in attendance was the Chairman of the Board of ARIS, Mr. Nouhad Kalmoni and the Director of ARIS, Dr. Fatma Odaymat.

The Darker the Nights, the Brighter the Stars...

The theme of the graduation ceremony encourages eagles that in their current and future endeavors they should not be crestfallen or deterred by difficult and hard times. These are the times where their talents, personalities, and creativity shines through for all to see. Hard work and perseverance pay in all things.

They were entreated by Mr. Jean Habineza, through the words of a song, to always keep the passion to learn, the passion to live burning in their hearts at all times, good or bad;

“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.”

Speeches were read by the two valedictorians, the Director, The Board Chairman, the Historians of the ARIS Class of 2021, The Student Representative Council for the academic year 2020/2021, and a final farewell speech from a member of the class.

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention” - L.R. Knots. Beautiful Speech delivered by Dr. Fatma Odaymat, Director of Al-Rayan International School.

Alumni, Rama El Hassan and Doji Ajei words to the ARIS Class of 2021! “Be cautious of the balance that you must maintain. Use your voices righteously, Go out and Soar Higher”.

Awards were given out to outstanding students who had been active and contributed to the whole ARIS experience. It is very worthwhile to mention that these award plaques were donated by Webster University.

Like every other ARIS event, it was a great opportunity to showcase the talents that are being honed in the school through performances from students and facilitators.

We are grateful to all who attended, especially to Mr. Jean Michel Habineza, Mr. Nouhad Kalmoni and Webster University.

Now to the Golden Eagles of the ARIS Class of 2021, Dream Big, Aim High, and continue to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world. Congratulations!