Home News   Debut Meeting for the ARIS Wellbeing Committee

Debut Meeting for the ARIS Wellbeing Committee

Wellbeing in ARIS is integrated into the curriculum as we believe as an institution that it contributes immensely to the holistic development of students.

In light of this, the ARIS Wellbeing Committee was formed and held its first meeting yesterday. In this meeting, members were given a detailed outline of the vision and mission of the committee, by Dr. Funke, who also introduced the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy. The aim of setting up such a committee is to ensure that there is improvement in the wellbeing of students and staff of ARIS.

Apart from Committee Members and Executives, The SRC Wellbeing Prefect, some parents and some facilitators were in attendance. It was a great meeting and we are hopeful that the holistic wellbeing of the entire ARIS Community would improve massively!