Home News   EYP holds Sports Day 2021 Today!

EYP holds Sports Day 2021 Today!

The young Eagles of PYP are here today, ready for Sports Day 2021! It is important to learn numeracy, literacy and other subjects, but it is equally important to know about Physical Education and exercise regularly as it contributes largely to the overall wellness of students.

Today the houses (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow) in EYP from Playgroup to Year 2 competed in various sporting activities, including relay races, egg and spoon, fill the bottle, obstacle races, and football! All the activities took place on the new football pitch.

The event began with a little marching warm up for the eagles who marched to the beat of drums. This little warm up was followed by an amazing dance performance by some of the PYP Eagles. Thus, the ceremony was officially opened by the Head of Primary School Mme Dania Sadek.

During all the activities, chants and cheers could be heard from the Eagles who vehemently supported their Houses.

We are extremely proud of all the eagles who competed passionately. You did amazing! Fingers crossed as the results are being compiled. They will be announced next week!