Home News   MYP 5 Students Donate Books toward FOLIG's 2021 Book Drive Project

MYP 5 Students Donate Books toward FOLIG's 2021 Book Drive Project

"Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words." - Ibrahim Hooper.

And just like the quote above, Two MYP 5 Year 11 Eagles took action and donated some books towards the 2021 Book Drive Project by Friends of Libraries in Ghana (FOLIG). The books were donated to students of the Tarkwa Senior High School and included reading books, workbooks, and textbooks.

These two Eagles have shown the ARIS Core Value of Service to everyone, and the ARIS Core Characteristics of Reflection and Action. They have shown that transformation does not have to be great all at once, but through inspiring and empowering, every small step towards transforming counts.

FOLIG is a non-profit organization that aims to be a national membership organization that serves all libraries in Ghana.