Home News   Run For A Cure Ghana 2021, It's Zumba Time!

Run For A Cure Ghana 2021, It's Zumba Time!

October is the month of breast cancer awareness and Run For A Cure Ghana held their annual 5K Walk and Run, but this time, with a little twist!

In adherence to the COVID Protocols, RFCG decided to do a virtual run, having organizations and schools organize a run or a workout session in their own small corner, rather than pulling large numbers of crowds to join in, on the 5K Walk and Run.

For ARIS, to raise awareness, a Zumba session was organized!

Thanks to Zumba instructor and enthusiast, Carol, the eagles had a fun, energy-packed session shaking their bodies to the rhythm of some good music!

Taking action and raising awareness for breast cancer is important for us as a community. It is up to us to educate the community about breast cancer, symptoms and ways to reduce risk of getting it. We as a community will Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world.

Thank you Run For a Cure Ghana for organizing this annually. We look forward to participating next year!