Home News   Mme Rouba is an Erickson and Lynn Certified Trainer!

Mme Rouba is an Erickson and Lynn Certified Trainer!

Mme Rouba is an Erickson and Lynn Certified Trainer!

Learning in ARIS never stops. As the Eagles are learning, so are the facilitators and staff, because one of the values and characteristics we uphold is lifelong learning!

It is in this same vein that it is necessary to say a huge congratulations to PYP Year 6 Facilitator, Mme Rouba, for successfully becoming an Erickson and Lynn Certified Trainer!

The training which was organized by Professional Learning International took one and a half years to complete. The aim of this training is to inculcate into educators, skills and knowledge to know the principles of conceptual learning and its application and the best way to guide and coach other educators into gaining a deeper understanding of a concept-based curriculum.

After Rachel French's visit to ARIS a few years back, as an institution, it was important for us to go deeper into learning about concepts. The concept of things ensures that students' learning journeys are more in-depth and understanding is more long-term.

We are so proud of Mme Rouba for exhibiting her risk-taking and balancing skills. You definitely are an inspiration to us all! Soar High Eagle!