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Primary Coffee Morning

Coffee Mornings are always productive, as it is a great opportunity for parents to get updates on how the Semester in ARIS is going. It is also a great opportunity for parents to send in their questions and concerns on things happening in the school and the way forward.

PYP on Friday had their Coffee Morning with parents, who were taken through the semester so far, by the Head of Primary School, Mme Dania. Using photos and some videos, parents were shown all the numerous activities that their eagles have taken part in.

With regards to updates and upcoming events, quite a number of activities are lined up for the rest of the semester, to ensure that the eagles' learning experiences are of the utmost best.

We encourage all parents to take part in these Coffee Mornings as they give them the platform to get updated with what ARIS has planned as a school and also an opportunity for them to voice out their concerns as parents of the schools. You can be sure that you would be Inspired, Empowered, and Transformed after these meetings!