Home News   Year 13 Eagles Raise Funds for Moses - "We Rise When We Lift Others" A CAS Project

Year 13 Eagles Raise Funds for Moses - "We Rise When We Lift Others" A CAS Project

“In this human world, the misery of the humans can only be lifted by the humans, who are courageous and conscientious enough to take real actions, instead of meekly hoping and praying for an illusory divine intervention.” -

Reminiscent of this quote, the Eagles of Year 13 have taken it upon themselves to look at the plight of a young 13-year old boy, Moses, whose leg was amputated due to an unfortunate car accident, through the CAS.

In collaboration with journalist Seth Kwame Boateng, who introduced the class to this case, Year 13 Eagles have appealed to the entire ARIS Community to come together and raise an amount of GHS 20,000, which would cater for Moses' last two surgeries and some medical expenses. He has already undergone 8 surgeries.

In their quest to achieve this goal, the Eagles have started a fundraiser, through the sales of Moses T-shirts, which are going for a cool 50ghs, and the class wars (a simple fun competition, where classes are tasked to raise their funds, and in two weeks the class with the highest amount raised wins a surprise!). Awareness for the fundraiser has also been raised amongst the ARIS Community, who have started donating generously.

"We rise when we lift others"

We entreat everyone to be a part of this movement, and to lend a hand to Moses, to help him get his life back. Service to everyone, passion and most of all love and care for humanity is what drives us in this movement.

All donations are welcome, ARIS Cares.