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NEO Training Starts Today!

The summer vacation is almost over, and the staff and team of ARIS are preparing to welcome the Eagles back to school!

In preparing for the students, the team organized the New Eagles Orientation Training for new staff joining the team, starting today!

In this orientation, the new staff got to meet each other and were put into 3 groups, where they collaborated in learning about ARIS. They learned about the vision and mission of the school, the core purpose, the core characteristics of an ARIS Eagle, and the core values of the school.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". The Team spiced up the orientation by writing short jingles with the ARIS keywords, conveying the ethos of the school.

It is important that as a team, our aim and goals are aligned, so we can collaborate to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world! Welcome Home Eagles!