Home News   Welcome Secondary Eagles to the 22/23 Academic Year

Welcome Secondary Eagles to the 22/23 Academic Year

The summer is over, the sun is still out, and the MYP, IBCP, and IBDP Eagles are back to school!

The new school year has officially begun for the students today and we would like to say a big Welcome to all our eagles. Last year, as a school, we focused on cultivating relationships that foster wellbeing and personal and professional growth and introduced activities such as mentorship to help us reach the aim of building relationships. Through all the ups and downs, the good and the bad times, the hard and the easy times, the eagles came through successfully!

For this new academic year, the focus is to redesign our system to optimize learning and wellbeing through reflection and action! We encourage all members of the ARIS Community to get involved in ensuring that this goal is achieved as we continue in our quest to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world!

All the best Secondary Eagles!