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NoticeAbility Dyslexia Workshop

NoticeAbility is a non-governmental organization based in the United States that promotes a more positive awareness of dyslexia. The event in ARIS was led by Dean Bragonier and Bodhi Bragonier, a father and son who are both dyslexic.

The objective of NoticeAbility was to introduce dyslexic students in junior secondary school to professions that highlight the neurological strengths of the dyslexic mind. These are courses like entrepreneurship, engineering, architecture, and the arts.

Dean and Bodhi showed the students the strengths they have because of dyslexia using the acronym M.I.N.D.

M.I.N.D stands for

Material reasoning- able to make a mental picture of what you want to create or build before you do it
Interconnected reasoning - creating a solution by combining two or more pieces of information
Narrative reasoning - able to speak orally to persuade, tell a story
Dynamic reasoning- able to make mental pictures to see the cause and possible solutions to problems. For example, picture what something might be like in future.

The students were asked to think of a problem they face and find a solution to these problems by working in teams using these MIND reasoning skills that they are advantaged with because of dyslexia.

One group suggested a solution to global warming and pollution by suggesting the use of solar powered cars.

Another group suggested a solution for students that like playing on devices a lot so they made a device that parents can use to monitor their children's screen time.

The third group suggested a solution for soap getting into your eyes when you are bathing by making a shampoo that was organic and cheaper to buy so that it would not irritate the eyes.

The fourth group suggested a way to reduce conflict during break by getting teachers stationed at the vantage points of the lockers and anywhere there are a lot of students to reduce incidents of fighting.

The students were able to stand in front of the room and share their group presentations.