Home News   PYP Year 3 Unit of Hope

PYP Year 3 Unit of Hope

What started as an inquiry into organisations under the transdisciplinary theme of how we organise ourselves turned out to be a unit of hope for the ARIS year 3 students and teachers.
From a curious field trip to the Village of Hope to learn about how their organisation works, its structure and how it helps the community by engaging street teenagers in vocational training, the year 3 students have learnt and taken action by introducing the OFF THE STREET (OTS) brand of bags, and other accessories to the ARIS community. In total, the year 3 students have managed to raise over 10,000 Ghana cedis from purchases and orders of the handiworks made by the students of OTS. This has put a smile on these street students' faces as they learn how their skills can be transformed into a profitable trade and take them off the streets. Bravo to the year 3 team for personalising the learner profiles on your T-shirts, and celebrating and sharing the festival of Hope through your unit of Inquiry.