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PYP Year 5 Restaurante de ARIS

Caption: Spanish PYP students always strive to practice oral Spanish daily. This Year 5 class learnt how to order and complain about food served in a restaurant in Spanish.

In this play, There are two friends. One was hungry and told his friend, who invited him to Restaurante de ARIS for lunch.

One friend ordered pasta and water at the restaurant, while the other ordered hamburgers and coca cola. The waitress forgot to give the customer who ordered pasta a fork. The customer calls the waitress and complains that he doesn't have a fork. The waitress brings him a fork, and she is called again by the customer for the bill.

The customer who ordered hamburgers and coca-cola tells his friend that he doesn't have money to pay. His friend agrees to pay. They both thanked the waitress and left the restaurant.