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ARIS Cares: Wellbeing Day Off

Student wellbeing encompasses the overall health of a student, including their social, mental, physical, and emotional health. Enjoyment and satisfaction with life are inextricably tied to student well-being. In a nutshell, student wellbeing is the way they perceive themselves and their life.

Why is wellbeing important to us at ARIS? It is essential because students’ well-being and academic excellence are intertwined. We, therefore, understand that school should not only be a place for students to learn, it should also be a place where students’ wellbeing is prioritized, while still delivering excellent instruction and learning activities. It is important to note that staff wellbeing at ARIS is critical to our overall success story and that is why we create a conducive environment that provides the necessary support for both staff and students.

Despite ARIS being a vibrant and supportive community, our students are not immune to common mental health challenges that many individuals experience during their school years. In a recent survey, we found that 30% of students were experiencing some level of anxiety, depression, or social concerns. The wellbeing department works diligently to improve student wellness through our weekly wellbeing classes, running from PYP 4 through DP 2. Additionally, we facilitate 1:1 counselling services and parent meetings on an as-needed basis. We know that these interventions are necessary to assist our community, but that they will only work when our learners and facilitators have time to rest and integrate the important lessons shared each week.

We hope that you and your family are able to enjoy our ARIS wellbeing day, this February 14th. We ask that you use the day to rejuvenate, recharge, and reflect on all that you’ve accomplished this school year.

ARIS Wellbeing Team