Home News   ARIS SRC Spirit Week - Jersey Day and Awards Assembly

ARIS SRC Spirit Week - Jersey Day and Awards Assembly

It is the last day of school for the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.

Not only is the last day of school, but it is also the last day of the SRC spirit week, and today is Jersey Day!

The Eagles and staff came dressed in their favourite jerseys! From soccer jerseys, to basketball and baseball jerseys, the Eagles represented their favourite teams well.

Also today being the last day of school, an assembly was held to award all the eagles that took part and impressed during the ARIS SRC spirit week. The students received these awards amidst amazing musical performances.

Dr. Fatma, also took to the stage to wish the entire school body a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday, and also to say a few things about the semester and how we can gear towards a better semester in January!

It has been an amazing week, stirring the ARIS spirit and building the culture of the school!