Home News   Back to Our Roots: A trip to Ahanta Eco Lodge

Back to Our Roots: A trip to Ahanta Eco Lodge

The first semester for this academic year is officially over, but the student experience for our Eagles does not end! It is in this vein that a school trip was arranged for students in MYP 4 to IBDP 2 over the school break! It was a trip to go back to the roots of all things, back to the land, back to nature!

The trip which started today will last for 5 days as they'll be gone from 18th December - 22nd December. They stayed at the Ahanta Eco Lodge, which is described to be an ecologically friendly Lodge, that offers activities like surfing, as it encourages an appreciation for nature.

It trip was described to be not only fun, but relaxing, educational and inspirational.

Below is a brief description of this experience, day by day.


Day 1 Arrival

The best way to kick start any journey is to set off early, so by 6:00AM the Eagles and their chaperones, were all ready and packed in the bus, off to a journey back to nature. Thus, a group of 15 Eagles, and 4 chaperones set off. They arrived safely at Ahanta Eco Lodge, and were assigned to their respective rooms. Of course, once they were settled, the eagles were excited to go to the beach for a stroll and returned shortly to have dinner. It was first day, so what was important to them was for them to settle down and acclimate with their new surroundings.

Day 2 Morning Exercise, Farm Day and Surfing!

To start off the second day, the eagles did some exercise along the beach, with instructions for Mr. Shady, and a staff from the lodge. They went on afterwards to have a healthy delicious breakfast, which was very important for the day they were going to have! It was farm day, which means, every eagle was going to go to the farm and work the land. This was particularly exciting for the eagles because it was the first time for most of them to experience the actual process of farming and see how we all get foods on our tables. They worked with farmhands, who showed them safely how to weed, how to plant seeds or seedlings and how to harvest cassava, and other foods. In addition, they learnt about fertilizer and composting and finally the best part, they cooked their own simple mean right there using what they had harvested!

They returned to the Lodge in time for a little rest, and Surf time! With instructions from a surf instructor, the eagles stretched and warmed up on the coast before they hit the waves. It was beautiful to see the eagles have a good time away from their regular routine of gadgets and tech!

A good dinner later on in the evening and the eagles were ready to hit the sack!

Day 3 Reflecting, Sight-seeing, and Bon Fire Night

The 3rd started of course with a good breakfast, which was followed immediately by a time of reflection. Led by the amazing chaperones, the eagles reflected on the previous day, their emotions and feelings, and what they had learnt. They also reflected on the day ahead and how they wanted it to turn out.

They went on to get ready for a day's trip and hike, exploring the land of Ahanta. They saw forts and castles and walked through the town to experience the real Ahanta life. In between breaks, Mr. Fred, one of the chaperones told some stories! A few hours later, the hike was over and they returned to the Eco Lodge for lunch.

Later on in the evening, it was time for Bonfire Night, and the eagles set up the wood for that. The bonfire was lit up and the eagles danced around it safely and told stories to each other!

Day 4 Art Time

On this day the eagles spent some with some paint, paint brushes and canvas. They let out their inner Picasso, painting nature, and reflecting at the same time! On this day too the Eagles hit the waves once more, surfing till they were tired. Good tired.
Amidst all these activities the eagles were fed good, healthy and delicious meals in the morning, afternoon and evening. They spent the rest of the day, chatting with each other, going to the beach, picking shells and just relaxing.

Day 5 Back to Accra!

Last day of the trip and the eagles packed up for the bus. It was a fun exhilarating trip and they were ready to return home with all the good memories created!

We are grateful to the Eagles for a good trip, for good behavior and for opening themselves up to explore and appreciate nature. We are also thankful to the Chaperones, Mr. Shadi, Mr. Fred, Mme Manelle, and Mme Unoma, for taking time off their break to help with the students. This trip was one that cultivated a spirit of caring, sharing, risk-taking and collaboration! We are grateful that the eagles had a good time! We look forward to more trips like this in the future!