Home News   PYP Year 3 Guest Speaker Casa Italia

PYP Year 3 Guest Speaker Casa Italia

As part of their inquiry into Organisations, PYP Year 3 Eagles had a talk with NGO and Orphanage, Casa Italia. Casa Italia Orphanage, which aims at providing a home and education for disadvantaged and disabled children, honoured the invitation to speak to Year 3 Eagles on how they are structured and the work they do. The Eagles had the opportunity to meet some of the children from the home, and it was a nice time getting to know them and interacting with them. They also asked questions about the genesis of the orphanage, and why there was a need to start up the orphanage.

Being students in an environment that aims to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world, the Eagles made a donation of books and toys and clothes to the orphanage to show their support to the amazing work being done and exhibit the ARIS Core Value of Service for everyone.