Home News   2021/2022 PSA Annual General Meeting

2021/2022 PSA Annual General Meeting

Every year, the Parent Student Association (PSA) holds a meeting to give the ARIS parents updates on what they had done during the year and plans on what they would like to accomplish by the end of the year.

This year's meet was virtual and the parents were given the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues such as traffic, events, elections and many more.

Moderated by the PSA President, Dr. Ada Nwameme, the meeting went through its agenda. One exciting bit was the introduction of the nominated candidates for the 2022/2023 PSA executives. This meeting was a platform for the parents to meet the nominees and know what they intend to bring on board. The details of the elections were also laid down for the parents who were looking forward to electing their new executives.

As an institution, we pride ourselves on our open-door policy and transparency, which gives us the opportunity to change, which we consider to be a sign of growth. These meetings are very important as they ensure that the needs of the people we serve, parents, staff and students, are met.