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Class of 2022 Graduation Ceremony

A day for memories to be made!

Today we celebrated a resilient class. A class full of risk-takers, a class we are very proud to call ours, the ARIS Graduating Class of 2022!

The ARIS Class of 2022 graduated today, 28th May 2022, in a beautiful ceremony that was held at Movenpick Hotel. The event started off with a procession of the SMT, the faculty and the Graduating Class as they took their last stroll as ARIS Eagles, their first steps toward becoming ARIS Golden Eagles!

A welcome speech was read by the Class Representative, Andreas Pons Lahuerta, who addressed the resilience, passion, love and talents the class possessed, aligning their passion as a class, with that of ARIS as an institution, to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world.

The ARIS Class of 2021 Alumni Abrahim Toutoungi and Hiba Fattal, read the alumni speeches, not only congratulating them but also giving them words of advice, as they venture into the "outside world".

Gracing the occasion was the ARIS Board Chairman, Mr. Nouhad Kalmoni, and Special Guest Speaker, Mr. Theodore Albright, who exhorted them to walk the path of greatness and to shine wherever they go!

Graduations are always emotional, and IBDP Valedictorian Leila Zaabalawi read an emotional speech describing her journey and memories as an IBDP student.

This graduation was the first-ever for our IBCP Cohort and it was as memorable as it should be. Fida Fattal, the first-ever ARIS IBCP Valedictorian read her speech, thanking the school for allowing them to pursue their passions and being their guide throughout their journey.

What is an ARIS Programme without creative performances!

ARIS Class of 2022 Graduate, Omar Halimi put on a series of performances with the Chronicles of Us, that would forever be etched in the memories of the graduating class.

Not only did we celebrate the achievements of the ARIS Eagles, we also celebrated the Mother Eagle, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, who completed her Masters Degree at the Harvard Graduate School of Education! In addition, parents who completed their ARISVersity Sessions were given certificates of completion.

Congratulations Class of 2022 for your resilience.
Congratulations for your open-mindedness.
Congratulations for your passion to inspire, empower and transform.

The world is ready to see your greatness! Soar High Eagles!