Home News   PYP Journey Ends, MYP Begins- Congratulations PYP Year 6 Eagles!

PYP Journey Ends, MYP Begins- Congratulations PYP Year 6 Eagles!

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."... and this is true for the ARIS PYP Year 6 Eagles who have completed their Primary Years Programme in grand style!

It has been such a journey watching some of these eagles grow up from being toddlers to almost teenagers! Not only have they grown physically, but they have also grown intellectually and emotionally, full of confidence.

To crown their efforts after an amazing PYP Exhibition, the PYP students were given certificates to celebrate the end of their PYP Journey.

As the PYP ends for them, the MYP starts! We will continue to strive to inspire, empower and transform for a better world. Congratulations PYP Year 6 Eagles!