Home News   21/22 PYP Sports Day

21/22 PYP Sports Day

Holistic education is one that does not only cater to the students' cognitive development, but also physical, emotional, social and mental development, and one cannot deny the fact that Physical Education plays an important role in ensuring that students' physical health is taken care of!

One way to ensure that in ARIS is through the Sports Days, where students take part in various sporting activities to improve not only their physical health, but also good sportsmanship and team work!

Today PYP Eagles from Year 3 to 6 took part in the PYP Sports Day.

They took part in activities from lime and spoon, obstacle race, football matches and many more activities between the houses, namely Yellow, Red, Blue and Green, amidst cheering and screams.

This sports day missed nothing. From artistic dance / gymnastic display to open the event, to enthusiastic cheering from the various houses to teamwork!

The staff was not left out of the fun, as they danced to the music played by the DJ.

In the End, Yellow House came first, followed by Blue House, then Red House, and lastly Green house.

Kudos to all the houses for their participation, and for making the sports day a memorable one. You are all stars!