Home News   PYP Year 5 End of Unit Exhibition: How the World Works, Energy

PYP Year 5 End of Unit Exhibition: How the World Works, Energy

From inquiries in class, to practical work in the design and technology room, and a trip to AKSA Energy, PYP Year 5 Eagles have finally come to the end of their unit!

The UOI, How the World Works, focused on energy, and the Eagles inquired into the types of energy, and how they are useful and beneficial to us, as human beings.

During their inquiry, the eagles learned important facts about energy, they consolidated their learning as they went further to take a trip to AKSA where they experienced in real-time, how energy was transformed and conserved.

At the end, an exhibition was held today, giving the Year 5 Eagles the opportunity to share the journey of their inquiry into energy with the ARIS Community. Displaying ATL skills such as social, communication, critical thinking and research skills, the eagles presented well organized, and insightful projects to parents who were excitedly appreciative of the work the eagles put in.

From Hydroelectric Power, to thermal, sound and electric energy, just to mention a few, the eagles found creative ways to show that they were knowledgeable when it comes to Energy!

All in all it was a beautiful and insightful inquiry for the Year 5 Eagles, and we are very sure that they are looking forward to more exciting inquiries as the semester goes!

Keep inspiring, empowering and transforming for a better world!