Home News   SOS-HGIC MUN Conference 2022

SOS-HGIC MUN Conference 2022

SOS-HGIC MUN Conference
On Saturday, October 8, 2022, an exciting batch of twenty-two delegates from the ARIS Model United Nations (MUN) club attended the 5th SOS-HGIC MUN conference at Tema. Seated for the Opening Ceremony, delegates were privileged to listen to the Vice-Principal and guest speaker's address that shed light on the theme, "Inequalities in a Changing World." Delegates were strongly encouraged to move from discussions to implementing actions to address this global issue through advocacy and service.

Throughout the 3-day conference, delegates engaged in an intense and heated debate over issues ranging from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Women's Leadership and Economic Empowerment, Child labour and sexual exploitation to combatting athlete abuse and drugs. The topics discussed during the conference sparked much interest and prompted further research among delegates. Observing the proceedings in each committee, it was a pleasure to see how our students were developing communication, social, and research skills. Indeed, the SOS-HGIC conference was a brilliant learning experience for all our delegates, and we are incredibly proud of their hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm.

At the end of the conference, the following delegates were recognized and awarded for their outstanding contribution during the debate in their committees:

Honourable Mention/Commendations
Suhani Kothari - UNICEF, Lesotho

Aline Kodsi - UNICEF, Ukraine

May El Hassan - ICJ, Judge Muhammed Bennouna (Morocco)

Best Delegate Award Winners

Bhavyaa Thakur - UN Women, Colombia

Ishaan Pattnaik - UNSCOWS, USA

Nour Ibrahim - UNHCR, Egypt (New delegate)

Vyoma Patel - UNHCR, Germany

Personal Experiences
Bhavyaa Thakur: SOS-HGIC MUN was a refreshing conference in which I strengthened my skills, interacted with new people, and developed a global mindset while also having a lot of fun!

May El Hassan: This conference allowed me to join the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the first time, so I was not too sure of what to expect as a judge; however, I had terrific chairs who went through the rules of procedure and ensured that all delegates participated. Overall, I'd say we had exciting and fruitful debates.

Vyoma Patel: I just loved this conference as I worked hard for it and all the debates I had were fun and enthusiastic. This conference will always be memorable for me. Overall, I believe that the meeting was perfect and engaging.

MUN Directors: Dorinda Tham & Frederick Oppong-Boadi