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Career Fair 2021: Channel Your Career Path, Meet Dynamic Demands!

The University and Career Guidance Counseling Department every year organizes a Career fair for our high school eagles to get them to start thinking about their future, career-wise.

This year's fair was organized in a virtual meeting, where students had the opportunity of meeting career people ranging from creative and artistic people to science-related people.

With the theme "Channeling your career path, with open-mindedness to meet the dynamic demands of our Post-Covid world", the students after the open address from the University and Career Guidance Counselor, Mme Christabel, went into break out rooms, to meet guest speakers, who interacted and answers all the big and small career questions!

Thank you to all the Guest speakers, namely, Kwadwo Osei Asibe (Process Engineer/ Operations Management), Kofi Oduro Mensah, Esq (Law), Barrak El-Mahmoud (Photographer), Debra-Jane Nelson (Event Management), Amartei Armar (Film Production), Theodore Asampong (Satellite Engineering), Trudy Arnold-Boateng (Beauty Entrepreneur), Yaa Owusu Baah (Medical Doctor) and Patrick Mattouk (Hotelier/Restaurateur).

We were also very proud to have ARIS Alumnus Adam Toutoungi who talked to the students about 3D Animation!

We look forward to the next Career Day!