Home News   Introducing...The New PYP Play Area!

Introducing...The New PYP Play Area!

"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood." - Fred Rogers.

As every event, occurrence, or occasion in the IB Programme is a learning opportunity, we the lifelong learners at ARIS consider even play a learning opportunity. It is an integral part of our students experiences and performance, as such we find more educative, innovative, and creative ways to inculcate play into school life!

Check out this new play area set up for the PYP Eagles, consisting of a kitchen area, a farm area, and a sandbox. All these areas target the children's fine motor skills development and strengthen their collaborative and communication skills. Most importantly, our eagles have a blast at this new play area, and we love it!