Home News   Welcome to IBDP/IBCP - An Orientation trip to Anomabo Beach Resort

Welcome to IBDP/IBCP - An Orientation trip to Anomabo Beach Resort

One chapter ends, and another one begins. Our former MYP 5 Year 11 Eagles have progressed on to the IBDP/IBCP as Year 12 Eagles and as a school, it is a priority to transition them smoothly.

For this reason, the Eagles took a trip to the Anomabo Beach Resort with coordinators for an introduction to the next chapter of their lives. The 1-Day trip was organized to take the Eagles through the various aspects of the IBCP and IBDP, answering and guiding them to the framework of the programmes.

Present were the IBDP and IBCP Coordinators, Mme Dorinda and Mme Farah, Head of Students Affairs, Mr. Frederick Oppong-Boadi, and TOK Facilitator, Mr. Francis Yeboah.

Upon arrival at the resort, the eagles were welcomed with refreshing coconut, as they gathered to figure out the room allocations. Wasting no time, right after settling in, the agenda of the day commenced. In the conference room of the resort, the eagles went through the ARIS Core Values, Essential Agreements for the trip, trip expectations, test your knowledge, and finally an Introduction to the IBDP and IBCP.

The purpose of the trip was not only to introduce the students to the programmes, but also to build connections with each other and to work on teamwork and reflective skills. Lunchtime was a perfect opportunity for students to build connections and also reflect on what they had discussed during the presentations. Other avenues to build on connections, teamwork, and reflection were the games sessions where students played football and volleyball.

To ensure that the students understood the programme, they were asked to create a jingle or an elevator pitch to sell the programme which was fun and exciting. The presentations continued with the students delving into TOK and the CP Core.

Day 2 started off with a morning jog and exercise to wake up the minds and bodies of our eagles. The day continued with the students back in the conference room reflecting on the academic year and how they intend to inspire, empower and transform for a better world.

To help them practice their reflective skills and critical thinking skills and to train them to get engaged in authentic CAS and SL projects, the students were asked to identify areas where they can help the Anomabo Beach Resort improve.

New students who just joined the class reflected on how they transitioned and integrated into the group easily and how the trip was beneficial, giving them a heads-up of what the IB programmes entailed.

The trip came to an end, and we can say it was successful, and it served its purpose.
To the Year 12 Eagles, hit the ground running, you are destined for success, keep soaring Eagles!