Home News   ARIS Newsletter Club: Introducing the Campus Chronicles 1st Edition

ARIS Newsletter Club: Introducing the Campus Chronicles 1st Edition

I would like to introduce the ARIS Newsletter Club – a dynamic group of students dedicated to capturing and sharing the pulse of our school community.

We're thrilled to present our inaugural edition, filled with vibrant stories, insightful interviews, and highlights of the fantastic events that shape ARIS. The club, driven by a passion for communication and community spirit, has worked diligently to create a newsletter that reflects the diverse talents and achievements of our students.

We invite you to delve into the pages of our first edition, exploring the latest updates, interviews, and behind-the-scenes glimpses that make ARIS a vibrant and engaging place to learn and grow. We're excited about this journey of storytelling and look forward to bringing you more exciting editions in the future. Enjoy the read!

Campus Chronicles 1st Edition

Thank you,

Ayah Shifau Salah