Home News   Empowering Change: IBCP-2 Service Learning Project Fundraising Video

Empowering Change: IBCP-2 Service Learning Project Fundraising Video

We believe everyone should have a conducive environment for learning, thus motivating us to focus our SL project in that regard. For this project, we plan on helping Brave Brain by repainting their school, providing them with toilets, fixing open electrical issues, providing small mattresses for the infants, and donating learning materials and toys for the kids.

We first started raising funds by organizing a bake sale in school, and although we could raise some funds, it was still not enough. We plan on using our project to apply and participate in the AISA GIS Competition, resulting in us needing more funds from the ARIS community to support and help accomplish this project's aim.

We thank you greatly for your time, as we truly hope this project makes a difference.

1. Dail *447*4159#
2. Select Option: Other Fees 
3. Select Other Fees Again
4. Put in FR0012 in place of Student ID
5. Repeat FR0012
6. Enter Name Of Donor
7. Enter Amount
8. Wait for prompt to pay