Secondary ARISVersity Module 4 Academic Integrity

Secondary ARISVersity Module 4 Academic Integrity

Secondary ?#ARISVersity on Academic Integrity was interactive and enlightening for all parents. They understood that students are responsible for their choices in and outside the classroom. #Inspire #Empower #Transform #...

EYP Animal Hunt

EYP Animal Hunt

Every day is a new adventure with #EYP #PlayGroup. Our littlest animal detectives went on an animal hunt—and they named every animal they found! 

PYP Year 5 Explore Energy

PYP Year 5 Explore Energy

PYP Year 5 Eagles explored energy by building paper models of an amusement park ride. The ride stores energy in rubber bands and spins around when the energy is released. They compared the speed of the spins when a thin...

Eagles Got Talent Try-Outs

Eagles Got Talent Try-Outs

We have a lot of talented Eagles out there, but who will get the most votes? Follow to find out! PYP Students prepare for the ARIS Most Talented Show. The kids audition before the panel to see if they make the cut!&...

PSA Parents Club Yoga Activity

PSA Parents Club Yoga Activity

The ?#PSA is thrilled to start the Parents' Club Activities, an exciting series of activities specially designed and offered to ARIS parents on topics that are important to them! They kicked off this month with a Parents...

India Republic Day Celebration

India Republic Day Celebration

Happy Republic Day! A day to celebrate a great country, India. May the people of India usher in a new era of prosperity, peace and progress ?? ?? ?? 

EYP Fancy Hat Day

EYP Fancy Hat Day

Being able to express oneself is always exciting. For our Early Years programs, every Friday is a special day when all the children dress up in various hues and accessories, such as on Rainbow Day, Pink Day, Yellow Day,...

MYP Year 7 Design a Mascot for ARIS

MYP Year 7 Design a Mascot for ARIS

The #MYP 1 Year 7 Design ? Students ? have a brainstorming session regarding Mascot Development for ARIS. What do you think about creating a mascot for ARIS? Let us know in the comments below! #Inspire #Empower #Transfor...

PYP Year 5 Arabic

PYP Year 5 Arabic

The #PYP Year 5 Arabic students learned words and phrases using the Nahla wa Nahil Arabic language literacy App. The session allowed them to be engaged in learning the meaning of context in the Arabic Language.

Get into the Lab with the PYP Year 6 Eagles

Get into the Lab with the PYP Year 6 Eagles

To determine whether foods have acidic reactions, the students conducted an acetic acid experiment using vinegar to analyze samples of foods such as baking soda, baking powder, honey, ketchup, and purple juice collected...

PYP Year 4 More Parts

PYP Year 4 More Parts

It’s story time, everyone! This week, we're reading ? More Parts by #TedArnold! The students gather around our Teacher Librarian ❤️ to hear what's in store for them—even if they don't know it yet. Ted Ar...

MYP Year 7 Hockey

MYP Year 7 Hockey

The #MYP 1 Year 7 ?students had a physical activity on hockey ?this week. The students were all involved and they enjoyed every moment of the session. We are so proud of them! #Inspire #Empower #Transform #IBWorldSchool...

PYP Year 6 Unit Of Inquiry - Materials

PYP Year 6 Unit Of Inquiry - Materials

Unit Of  #PYP Year 6 #UOI #Materials #HowTheWorldWorks. The Students inquire into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans u...

PYP Year 1 Transportation, an Inquiry

PYP Year 1 Transportation, an Inquiry

We encourage our students to explore the world around them by noting what they see. Our #PYP Year 1, Eagles, learn about Transportation. They went outside the school gate with supervision to note down whatever they saw....

MYP Service makes Donation to Teshie Children's Home

MYP Service makes Donation to Teshie Children's Home

We are proud of our #MYP eagle ? for her #SA project, inspiring others to give and providing support by donating to the Teshie Children's Home over the holidays. A positive way to impact the community. Kudos Jia!