ARIS News Page 105

New ARIS Canteen Service, Introducing:  Wholesome Craft

New ARIS Canteen Service, Introducing: Wholesome Craft

With the health and nutrition of all our students and staff at the forefront of our minds we have opted to bring in the best in school lunch catering, Wholesome Craft.Nutrition is critically important for children since...

“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun”- Albert Einstein

“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun”- Albert Einstein

At ARIS we utilize everything we can in an effort to encourage creativity, even disposable cups! Our Year 6 B class immersed into their Unit’s ‘Big Idea’ of ‘Recycling’ by using disposable c...

Founder's Day Celebration

Founder's Day Celebration

Happy Founders Day From ARIS!It is Founders Day tomorrow in Ghana- Founders Day is a national public holiday observed in Ghana to mark the birthday of Ghana's first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the founding fathers o...

Introducing Multiculturalism in the Bi-Lingual Classroom

Introducing Multiculturalism in the Bi-Lingual Classroom

Pupils in the Bi-Lingual French/English Reception class discover where each one comes from. Pupils work in groups discovering likenesses and differences, team work and feeling good about themselves.

Playgroup & Nursery Renovation

Playgroup & Nursery Renovation

ARIS Foundation classes have grown considerably over the years. This year we decided to renovate the Playgroup and Nursery classes in an attempt to best utilize the space we have. The goal of the project was to renovate...