ARIS News Page 119

Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake, Baker's Man

Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake, Baker's Man

During the Unit of Inquiry, a Nursery pupil role plays a baker as someone in the community that helps us. The topic is People play an important role in the community to help one another.

What's in the Doctor's Bag?

What's in the Doctor's Bag?

Nursery pupils had a fun visit with Dr. Ada Nwameme, PSA Health & Safety. The kids learned how to stay healthy and identified what instruments doctors use. 

What's in a Hospital?

What's in a Hospital?

Nursery pupils learn about hospitals. During the Unit of Inquiry the learners built and painted their hospital. This was a prime opportunity to talk about safety. Role-playing and introducing hospitals and what goes on...

What does the Nurse do?

What does the Nurse do?

Nursery pupils used the spider web to identify the various tools used by the doctor and the nurse.The school nurse, Christy came to help. Nurse Christy answered questions the children had and she made suggestions about g...

Global Citizens

Global Citizens

Over the past 2 weeks, the playgroup children have been learning about African and Indian cultures. We were interested in the celebratory aspects of these cultures which is in relation to our unit on 'Celebrations'. The...



On Friday 11th November, all the children and staff in the early years gathered at the canteen area to celebrate our love for nursery rhymes, Poems and songs.Each class performed their favourite rhymes on stage to the ad...

And the SRC President Winner is...

And the SRC President Winner is...

Congratulations to Our new SRC President, Bashhar Byrouthy! ARIS candidates campaigned with posters and spoke with students about why they should be elected. Bashhar Byrouthy performed these tasks efficiently, and a...

Student Council Elections

Student Council Elections

ARIS Secondary Department held its School Representative Council (SRC) election last Friday, November 11, 2016. Although few nominees opted out, four students remained in the race, campaigning strongly for the following...

Religious Education: Islamic Studies

Religious Education: Islamic Studies

The year 3 Religious Education students demonstrated their learning of Surat Al-Fatiha by visualizing its seven verses, understanding it and arranging it in order. The learning engagement of Surat Al-Fatiha puzzle incorp...

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

The year 6 students are using recycling as an action to reduce waste, during their first Arabic Unit of Inquiry.  The learners re-purposed waste items into usable crafts. The crafts will be on sale at the recycling...

Learning to Learn

Learning to Learn

Through ATL (approaches to learning) students develop skills that have importance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn”. This is the way students reflect on their ways of learning. The pro...

Great Grub: Brownies in a Mug

Great Grub: Brownies in a Mug

Oh my. We’re doomed. ARIS Cooking Club Members just showed us how they make single serving brownies, in a mug, in a microwave. The hallways were filled with the delightful aroma of chocolate! The students did exper...

How Does our Garden Grow?

How Does our Garden Grow?

ARIS Arabic integration in the Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry. Pupils enjoyed planting beans in cotton and soil. 

Plastic Should be Banned: A Debate

Plastic Should be Banned: A Debate

Debating and persuasive writing and speaking are some of the skills we want our children to master. Every year, grade 6 students debate on a topic close to their heart. Last year it was “Home work is a waste of tim...