ARIS News Page 120

EYP Workshop: Time Management

EYP Workshop: Time Management

On Wednesday November 3 2016, the EYP teachers under went a workshop led by Madam Dorothy The topic of the workshop was Time management. The satff covered:The importance of circle timeWhat children gain from circle timeE...

Creative Profiles

Creative Profiles

“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” Vincent van Gogh  A wall mural is coming to life at the Secondary Campus. IB 1 & 2 CAS Students designed abstract interpretations of the...

Practice Makes Perfect!

Practice Makes Perfect!

ARIS Students Bashhar Byrouthy and Mouayad Toutoungi practice their musical skills during the 3-way conferences.   

People Who Help Us: Arabic Integration

People Who Help Us: Arabic Integration

Arabic Intergration: Nursery pupil’s role played as community helpers. Who helps you in the community? The pupils inquire about community helpers by learning songs, taking trips to the bakery, investigating differe...

Hindi Street Play

Hindi Street Play

The Hindi Class Students demonstrated some "street play" in their Unit of Inquiry Hindi integration. The pupil’s commandeered the canteen at lunch, playing live music to attract attention. The pupils continued to p...

Home Sweet Home: PYP Where we are in Place and Time

Home Sweet Home: PYP Where we are in Place and Time

The summative assessment for year 1 A & B tackled the Central Idea: Home reflects cultural and local conditions. Year 1 Learners brought artifacts from home that were related to their personal culture and tradition....

Eagles Going Green: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Eagles Going Green: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Most teenagers today know what it means to recycle and they know it’s the right thing to do. This generation of students will grow up in a world where recycling is part of their daily lives.  Year 7 CAS studen...

Kings, Queens, and Rooks

Kings, Queens, and Rooks

"Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation." - Max Euwe Chess is a great way for children to develop concentration and strategic thinking while having fun at the same time. At ARIS we are lucky to have a...

Born to be Free

Born to be Free

ARIS CAS students are giving back! The Born to be Free students are back in session with their Wednesday after school tutoring sessions by students from Al-Rayan International School. The students get support in all...

Dr Funke’s 10 Step Guide: Potty Training Toddlers

Dr Funke’s 10 Step Guide: Potty Training Toddlers

Dr Funke’s 10 Step Guide: Potty Training Toddlers1. Relax!Before considering potty training your child, you need to ask yourself, ‘Am I ready?’ So often, the focus is on the child having to be read...

Get Your Car Wash Here!

Get Your Car Wash Here!

Year 11 Students organized a car wash, as a CAS initiative. The Students raised 200 GHC, just the start of their fundraising goal. The students will use the money to provide a workshop for Next Step residents. The worksh...

Health & Hygiene Week

Health & Hygiene Week

We all know keeping your body clean is an important part of keeping you healthy and helping you to feel good about yourself. ARIS Primary Nurse Christy facilitated an interactive lesson on hygiene, during the Health &a...

Shakespeare Lives in Ghana 2016

Shakespeare Lives in Ghana 2016

“To be or not to be, that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-&...

Seasoned with Love: Culinary Arts Club

Seasoned with Love: Culinary Arts Club

ARIS Students in the Co-Curricular Culinary Arts Club meet weekly after school and learn basic techniques and recipes. The club is mentored by Fatima Benshab, French Coordinator. The members enjoy experimenting with teen...