ARIS News Page 47

Out O' the Inkwell: Life as an Animator

Out O' the Inkwell: Life as an Animator

Out O' the Inkwell: Life as an Animator!What does life as an animator look like? Is it stressful? Is it exciting? Out O' the Inkwell, a short animated film will definitely answer all those questions for you!Created by AR...

Congratulations ARIS Class of 2019 Alumna, Sude Guvendik

Congratulations ARIS Class of 2019 Alumna, Sude Guvendik

Congratulations are in order for ARIS Class of 2019 Alumnu, Sude Guvendik, for winning the election for Arts & Social Science Representative at the Simon Fraser University in Canada! We are so proud of you Sude, keep...

ARIS Alumnus Reaches Goal for Short film!

ARIS Alumnus Reaches Goal for Short film!

Congratulations are in order for the ARIS Class of 2017 Alumnus, Adam Toutoungi, for reaching his contribution goal for his 2D/3D hybrid animated short thesis film, Out O' the Inkwell.The alumnus raised over $3500.00 for...

ARIS Alumnus Gives Back

ARIS Alumnus Gives Back

We are always happy to see our Eagles Alumni come back! Even more so, when they contribute to our community!Our 2016-17 batch IBDP Alumnus, Mouayad, is back from The Savannah College of Art and Design, during his break a...

Debut Meeting for the ARIS Wellbeing Committee

Debut Meeting for the ARIS Wellbeing Committee

Wellbeing in ARIS is integrated into the curriculum as we believe as an institution that it contributes immensely to the holistic development of students.In light of this, the ARIS Wellbeing Committee was formed and held...

PYP Year 6 Shakes Off the Morning Blues

PYP Year 6 Shakes Off the Morning Blues

It's a cloudy morning today and the best way to start the day is to shake off the morning blues with some music and dance. Just like our PYP Year 6 Eagles!On days where the weather is dull, or the class seems lethargic,...

ARIS Nurses and Head of Secondary Get Covid-19 Vaccination!

ARIS Nurses and Head of Secondary Get Covid-19 Vaccination!

In the world's fight against the global pandemic, vaccines have been made to combat humanity's fight against Coronavirus.Some vaccines have been acquired by the government of Ghana in its bid to fight the virus, and the...

Choose to Challenge - Happy International Women's Day

Choose to Challenge - Happy International Women's Day

8th March every year, women all over the world are celebrated and this year, the theme for the International Women's Day celebration is "Choose to Challenge".This theme encourages all women to take on challenges head on...

Waterproof and Absorbency - A PYP Reception into Materials

Waterproof and Absorbency - A PYP Reception into Materials

PYP Reception eagles are going further into their inquiry, from learning about the different types of materials, floating and sinking, and now, they are learning about the waterproof and absorbency property of materials....

Experiment Time with MYP 1 Eagles

Experiment Time with MYP 1 Eagles

It's time for some experiments for MYP 1 Year 7 Eagles, and students both home and on campus are excited! The students learned how to make funnels from some straining papers as they did experiments with different liquids...

Nine central concepts in Economics IBDP-1 HL Economics

Nine central concepts in Economics IBDP-1 HL Economics

The Year 12 HL Economics students made a rap song using the nine central concepts at the heart of the economics syllabus. The syllabus incorporates the use of the nine concepts: scarcity; choice; efficiency; equity; econ...

Education for all? An MYP 5 Eagle's Personal Project

Education for all? An MYP 5 Eagle's Personal Project

Man has evolved from having absolutely nothing to having close to everything. From tools made out of rocks to space crafts that land on the moon, the human species have advanced rapidly.In order for all these advances to...