ARIS News Page 25

PYP Nursery Express Themselves, all that Glitters is Gold!

PYP Nursery Express Themselves, all that Glitters is Gold!

When it comes to glitter, no matter what colour it is, all that glitters is gold ? #PYP #Nursery ?#Eagles ? express themselves with glitter and glue! #Inspire #Empower #Transform #IBWorldSchool #Ghana ??

PYP Year 5 Programming

PYP Year 5 Programming

#PYP Year 5 ?#Eagles program a times table game using @Scratch! While programming, it was terrific ?to see their determination and creativity. #STEM #Inspire #Empower #Transform #IBWorldSchool #Ghana ??

PYP Year 4 Summative Assessment

PYP Year 4 Summative Assessment

We're excited to see what our #PYP Year 4 ?#Eagles came up with for their summative assessments! Students were asked to create awareness and educate people on how to stay safe from an epidemic caused by microorganisms. ?...

Can you Feel it? PYP Year 5 STEM

Can you Feel it? PYP Year 5 STEM

Can you feel it? The engineers of our #PYP Year 5 class designed anti-seismic building structures using simple materials such as sticks and playdough. They incorporated structural engineering notions such as cross-bracin...

PYP ARISVersity: Module 3 Assessment

PYP ARISVersity: Module 3 Assessment

Our lifelong learners in today's ARISVersity module 3 on "Assessments" looked into the following: What is assessment? Why do we assess? Types of assessments, Assessment Tracking and Tools to meet the diverse community of...

Secondary ARISVersity Module 3 IB Core MYP/DP/CP

Secondary ARISVersity Module 3 IB Core MYP/DP/CP

Parents learned the value of ATL Skills in the third module of the ARISVersity Session and how they aid students in preparing for and demonstrating learning through meaningful assessment.ARIS is dedicated to teaching our...

Let's Go Black Stars!

Let's Go Black Stars!

When you’re a fan ? of your country??, it’s hard to choose just one color among ??Ghana Black Stars Jerseys and Red, Yellow and Green. The #Eagles turned out today in full fan gear to show their ❤️ ? ? for th...

Inter-house Football Tournament

Inter-house Football Tournament

Game on! Congratulations to The Green House on winning the inter-house football tournament! The semester has come to an end all too quickly! #Inspire #Empower #Transform #IBWorldSchool #Ghana ??

PYP Nursery Art: Celebration Hats

PYP Nursery Art: Celebration Hats

Kids love to be creative, so the PYP Nursery students couldn't wait to add glue and paper colours to their celebration hats! Time to be creative!

PYP Year 1 Run and Jump into Coding

PYP Year 1 Run and Jump into Coding

SpriteBox is a unique puzzle platformer, a mix of exploration and learning to code. The students learn Spritebox programming, follow instructions to advance through unique worlds, and help free Sprite's bottled-up friend...

PYP Year 5 Summative Assessment

PYP Year 5 Summative Assessment

A summative assessment was given to our Year 5 students after their technological inquiry unit! They had to create a thing, give it a name, and explain what it does, its attributes, and how it works. The world is becomin...

PYP Future Homes Year 1

PYP Future Homes Year 1

The mind is the origin of creativity. With a paper box, our students built their future homes! The windows, pool, and even the grounds are visible. This is lovely.

PYP Investiture Ceremony 2022

PYP Investiture Ceremony 2022

Demonstrating leadership and modelling positive values, the PYP SRC students took their official ARIS SRC roles and responsibilities seriously as they participated in the Investiture Opening Flag Ceremony. We're proud to...

ARIS Uniform Design Challenge

ARIS Uniform Design Challenge

The ARIS PSA and Management formed a task force last year to review and redesign a new uniform for the ARIS students. Last year the committee agreed to design and prototype the uniform this academic year to ensure that i...

ARIS Middle School Boys Football -vs- Ephiny Soccer Academy

ARIS Middle School Boys Football -vs- Ephiny Soccer Academy

ARIS Middle School Boys Football -vs- Ephiny Soccer Academy ends in a tie 4-4. Congratulations to all the players and coaches on our winning season. We thank our ARIS Fans and supporters for making this season one of the...