ARIS News Page 123

Making A Difference: CAS Syrian Refugees

Making A Difference: CAS Syrian Refugees

ARIS IB Diploma Programme students, supported by Secondary 2 students, share their experience with a heartfelt Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) project. This article is written by Rama El-Hassan.On our first day, we d...

Célébration de la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie

Célébration de la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie

Aris International School a célébré la journée internationale de la francophonie le jeudi 16 mars. L’objectif est de fêter la culture française dans le monde. Les él&...

IB-1 CAS: Destination Togo

IB-1 CAS: Destination Togo

On Friday 5 February 2016, ARIS IB 1 students and selected students from the Social Welfare Club embarked on a weekend service learning trip to École Internationale Arc-en-Ciel, a well-established IB school in Tog...

ELMina Castle: A PYP Exploration

ELMina Castle: A PYP Exploration

On April 12th 2016, the Year 5 Students of ARIS embarked on a trip to the Elmina Castle, Cape Coast as a result of their unit on explorations. This unit highlights the consequences of exploration and the Elmina Castle is...

PSA  International Day 2016

PSA International Day 2016

Given the diverse multi-culture background shared by our community, ARIS PSA asked parents and students to showcase their country of origin or interest on this first ever PSA sponsored International Day. A kaleidosc...

New York City Here we Come!

New York City Here we Come!

After months of preparing to participate in the Global Classrooms International Model United Nations Conference in New York, our delegates were ready to deliberate over pertinent issues such as ‘The Rights of Indig...

Pi Day 2016

Pi Day 2016

On March 14th 2016, ARIS celebrated Pi day. The event was organised by Year 12 students, and supported by the Math Department. The celebrations started with a few videos about pi and a competition for reciting decimals o...

ARIS Team Building with Eat and Paint

ARIS Team Building with Eat and Paint

The ARIS PYP Team gathered today for a much needed day of eating and painting. The team building activity was long anticipated, the staff gathered in the common area, eager to get started. Canvases and colours were qu...

ARIS Student Wins Gold!

ARIS Student Wins Gold!

Brar Shivjyot Singh took the Gold medal at the Junior Open Chess Tournament that was held on 5th March at the German Swiss School. In the under 14 category, Shiv finished clear 1st place winning a gold medal with a 4.5...

Red Cross/Crescent Club Community Outreach

Red Cross/Crescent Club Community Outreach

The ARIS Red Cross/Crescent members, supported by the school nurse donated first-aid kits to a local school in need. The Medina Islamic School (MIS) was the recipient of two fully stocked first aid kits. The kits conta...

Primary Library Expansion

Primary Library Expansion

The Primary Campus Library has a new look! If you have not been to the ARIS Primary Library in the last couple of months, you may not know that it has undergone some changes. Next time you're on campus, pass by for...

MFL Arabic Students Tutor AIS Students (CAS)

MFL Arabic Students Tutor AIS Students (CAS)

On the 29th of January 2016, the students of IB1 Arabic went to the American International School to tutor students who had chosen Arabic to learn as a new language. These are multicultural students and they are enthusia...

67th Republic Day of India Celebration

67th Republic Day of India Celebration

ARIS pupils attended the 67th Republic Day of India. On Tuesday, 26th January 2016 the 67th Republic Day of India was celebrated at ‘India House’ (No. 1, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Accra). The High Commissioner o...