ARIS News Page 85

10 Stress Management Tips in Trading Cards

10 Stress Management Tips in Trading Cards

Dr. Funke, our Head of Counseling and Support has a Breakfast meeting with our Year 12 every week! Both parties look forward to this weekly meeting as it allows them a chance to really speak their minds, and get tips on...

The Breakfast Club, are your Students Getting Enough Sleep?

The Breakfast Club, are your Students Getting Enough Sleep?

Dr. Funke, our Head of Counseling and Support, organizes Weekly Breakfast Meetings with our Secondary School Year 12 class. Yesterday, being World Mental Health Day, Dr. Funke had a Weekly Breakfast Meeting with the Year...

Year 1 Students Exploring 3D Shapes

Year 1 Students Exploring 3D Shapes

Lots happening in our PYP Classes as they discover new concepts and learn something new everyday!For Math Integration, the Year 1 students explored 3D Shapes. Usually, students start with shapes that are drawn 2D on pape...

Flight #7 has Landed

Flight #7 has Landed

Flight #7 has landed in our ARIS Secondary Campus, and it will be a part of one of the biggest projects that we will take on, under the initiative of ARIS Cares for our ARIS 15th Anniversary!Flight #7 is a recycled airpl...

Poetry Parade 2018

Poetry Parade 2018

This year’s Poetry Parade, was a blast, just as any other year! Poetry Parade among our PYP Students gives them an avenue to express themselves powerfully! Everyone has a voice, and Poetry Parade propels every sing...

Year 1 Students, not your Ordinary Superheros

Year 1 Students, not your Ordinary Superheros

We are citizens and we have superpowers! Our Year 1 Students have put up very creative displays just outside their classroom, of Superheroes! Upon further inspection, we found out that they are not just ANY Superheroes,...

Body Systems

Body Systems

The current Unit of Inquiry that the Year 4 students are engaged in is “Body Systems” under the Trans-disciplinary theme – “Who We Are”. Body Systems is a Science Based Inquiry and the stude...

Unity Games

Unity Games

Saturday 6th October 2018 marked ARIS’ first ‘Unity Games’ 2018. Unity Games was organized by our P.E Department to build relations and to have more student interactions between the sister schools under...

Fun with Shapes Week Grande Finale!

Fun with Shapes Week Grande Finale!

Last week was ‘Fun with Shapes’ Week and on the last day, all students from Playgroup, Nursery and Reception was involved the same activity! This one had more to do with Creativity and Apparels!Students were...

Happy Teacher's Day ARIS Facilitators!

Happy Teacher's Day ARIS Facilitators!

Happy Teachers Day Everyone! As Kahlil Gibran says “You are the bows from which our children as living arrows are sent forth.”Our Student Representative Committee, over the course of the week, have been plann...

ARIS at the IB Global Conference 2018, in Vienna!

ARIS at the IB Global Conference 2018, in Vienna!

ARIS at the IB Global Conference 2018, in Vienna!Our Director, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, our Heads of Schools, Madam Alpana Mukherjee (Secondary) and Madam Dania Sadek (Primary) and our IB PYP and DP Facilitators Madam Asantewa...

Peace and Conflict Resolution

Peace and Conflict Resolution

PYP at ARIS and around the world, encourages children to engage in subject matters of local and global contexts, be it cultural, political, through arts, or anything else.Our Year 6 students are in their final year of th...