ARIS News Page 89

Education for all? An MYP 5 Eagle's Personal Project

Education for all? An MYP 5 Eagle's Personal Project

Man has evolved from having absolutely nothing to having close to everything. From tools made out of rocks to space crafts that land on the moon, the human species have advanced rapidly.In order for all these advances to...

The C Major Chord - PYP Year 6 Music Integration

The C Major Chord - PYP Year 6 Music Integration

This semester, PYP Year 6 started learning the Ukulele and it has been quite a journey. Starting from the basic handling of the instruments and strumming of the instruments, they are now learning the C Major Chord!We are...

PYP Virtual 3-Way Conference Success!

PYP Virtual 3-Way Conference Success!

The ARIS PYP Virtual 3-Way Conference took place last Friday, and it was a huge success!It is that time of the semester again, where the ARIS #PYP Eagles have the chance to show their parents and facilitators what they h...

PYP Seesaw Update February 2021

PYP Seesaw Update February 2021

Last week of February and the Eagles are soaring! It was a great month learning with Seesaw, and we look forward to working harder and better next month!Kudos Eagles!

PYP Year 5 Numeracy Integration...with a Touch of Music!

PYP Year 5 Numeracy Integration...with a Touch of Music!

Learning styles and strategies differ, and one of the best things about IB Learning is that it gives students the voice, choice, and ownership of their learning. Facilitators are involved to help make this journey easier...

PYP Year 3 Learns how to Tell Time

PYP Year 3 Learns how to Tell Time

How did you learn how to tell time back in school? Well learning how to tell the time for our innovative and creative PYP Year 3 Facilitator and Eagles, has never been more engaging and fun!

Happy International Mother Language Day

Happy International Mother Language Day

We join the world to celebrate all languages as 21st February every year is set aside to celebrate Mother Languages all over the world!At ARIS the development of Mother tongue Languages is important and as such the langu...

IBDP 1 Guest Speaker from Rotary Ghana

IBDP 1 Guest Speaker from Rotary Ghana

IBDP 1 Year 12 Eagles were privileged to have the Immediate Past President of Rotary Ghana, Mr. John Michael Acheampong, talk to them virtually on the possibility of creating the youth service version of Rotary Ghana, th...

Be the Best Version of Yourself

Be the Best Version of Yourself

Be the Best Version of Yourself.Every day, the goal for Facilitators and Management is to encourage and motivate students to be the best version of themselves. How do they do this?Facilitators and Management share words...

ARIS PYP Virtual 3-Way Conference (2020/2021)

ARIS PYP Virtual 3-Way Conference (2020/2021)

It's that time of the semester again, where PYP ARIS Eagles are given the opportunity to showcase to their parents and facilitators, their learning journeys displayed through e-portfolios.The student agency comes into pl...